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SinaiPromise Membership 2024-2025

SinaiPromise Membership, our annual dues model, aligns our approach to financial support for Temple Sinai with our core value of being an inclusive community, welcoming all regardless of their financial situation. Please note that our fiscal year runs from July 2024-June 2025.
  • In order to sustain Temple Sinai—our staff, programs and facility—we ask that all our members who can do so contribute at or above the sustaining level of support (listed below).
  • For those unable to commit to the sustaining level, we ask that you please make a pledge and payment reflecting your financial ability and the meaning that being a part of the Temple Sinai community provides you.
  • Amounts do not need to be paid at once and can be spaced over the course of the year, but must be paid in full by June 15, 2025. 
If you have questions or comments, please reach out to 

The sustaining amount for a one-adult household is $2,740
The sustaining amount for a two-adult household is $4,275
(The above amounts each include a $100 security fee, reflecting our increased security costs.)

or those unable to commit to the sustaining level this year, we ask that you please do make a pledge and payment in an amount of your choosing.

My/our household is a...

We are pleased to confirm our membership and are committed to the future of Temple Sinai. In recognition of the importance of the Temple Sinai community, we are making a 2024-25 pledge commitment of:

Option to Add Your Annual Campaign (Free-Will) Donation: If you would like to make your annual campaign (free-will) contribution at the same time as your Sinaipromise Membership, please do so below. Otherwise, skip this step and we encourage you to make an annual campaign contribution separately.
Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785